

Do you think you know about music, arts or films? Do you want to highlight local, national and international issues? Think you’ve got a good sense of humour and know satire? Want to express yourself in image or design? If so, a badger editorial position is for you!
The badger is run by students, for students. Editors are a vital part of the badger team: they organise writers, set agendas and commission articles. Most sections have two editors so all editors need to be able to work well with others. The reputation and quality of the badger depends on having editors that are interested in what they are editing, and want to make their section the best it can be.
Not only is being a badger editor good for the paper, being part of the paper is good for them. During a year as badger editor, you will be trained to use industry-standard layout and design tools, and will learn how a small newspaper works. The experience is a must on CVs for those wanting to go into the media.
Apply to become one of the badger editors 2003/2004 and give yourself a head start in life now! You can apply for more than one position if you want, but must get the application in before the deadline. The following positions are available:
Editor - deadline 15th May 2003
As editor, you will be in charge of managing a team of around twenty editors. A flair for organisation is vital to ensure the badger comes out weekly and as editor, you should be both ambitious and a perfectionist. You have to be good at working with others and be able to handle the demands placed on you by the Students’ Union and badger editors and writers. Applicants may also be considered for the deputy editor’s position. Send e-mail to ussu-comms@sussex.ac.uk for more information.
News & Opinion editors - deadline 22nd May 2003
This position relies on good journalistic instincts. To be a good news editor, you need to be able not only to write insightful, interesting articles but you also need to be able to edit ones written by others and have a good eye for what makes a story. They also need to commission commentary pieces, providing analysis on issues of interest to students.
Apply now.
Features editors - deadline 22nd May 2003
Features are an important part to any newspaper, giving extra space to highlight issues of importance to the readership. A features editor must be creative in commissioning articles and have a good eye for quality writing. They should also keep in contact with other editors, looking for good small stories that could be brilliant when given more space.
Apply now.
World Views editors - deadline 22nd May 2003
This is a new section in the badger, covering international issues. Editors should have a keen interest in politics and be able to separate dogma from reality.
Apply now.
Sports editors - deadline 22nd May 2003
Striking the balance between covering university sports events and national//international sport is very important to the badger sports page. Editors need to have an interest in university sports teams and have an eye for good sports analysis.
Apply now.
The Bodger editors - deadline 22nd May 2003
The spoof bodger needs editors with a good sense of humour and eye for satire. The bodger receives a fair amount of weekly submissions so one of the main tasks will be ensuring quality. You will also need to have a good idea of what can and can’t be published, and attempt to avoid offence whilst maintaining a satirical edge to the page.
Apply now.
Music editors - deadline 22nd May 2003
This position relies on a knowledge and active interest in music. To be a good music editor, you need to be able not only to review singles, albums and gigs but you also need to be able to edit reviews written by others. You should be open to all forms of music but have a good idea of what students are listening to.
Apply now.
Art editors - deadline 22nd May 2003
An interest in the theatre, books and art is essential to this role. To be a good arts editor, you need to be able not only to review performances and exhibitions but you also need to be able to edit reviews written by others and decide on what you think students are most interested in reading about.
Apply now.
TV & Radio editors - deadline 22nd May 2003
A good job for any student, as it basically involves keeping up-to-date on all the latest TV trends. A good all-round knowledge of TV is vital, you can’t just concentrate on the latest episodes of Neighbours or Eastenders.
Apply now.
Film editors - deadline 22nd May 2003
Film editors need to keep an eye out for upcoming films, get writers to previews and have a good knowledge not just of popular cinema but of more art-house flicks.
Apply now.
Games editors - deadline 22nd May 2003
This is a relatively new section, so any editor will need to try to build and maintain contacts with games companies and promoters. The games editor is also in charge of commissioning crosswords and comic strips and must therefore have a good sense of humour.
Apply now.
Photographic editors - deadline 22nd May 2003
Using the badger digital camera, the photographic editor needs to find lively and inventive ways to accompany stories with images. Experience with Adobe Photoshop useful but not essential.
Apply now.
Copy editors - deadline 22nd May 2003
This job involves reading the badger through every Tuesday to check for spelling and grammatical mistakes. Experience useful but training can be provided.
Apply now.
Design editors - deadline 22nd May 2003
The badger is produced weekly on Quark Xpress. If you have an eye for design, or have experience with desktop publishing programmes, then this is a great opportunity to show off your skill. The experience will be great for those wanting to design magazines, newspapers or anything in the future.
Apply now.