Everyone is aware of Sussex
University’s prominence in
social justice activism, but few,
it seems, appreciate our green credentials.
Aside from being the only
university campus in the country to
be situated in a designated Area of
Outstanding Natural Beauty, Sussex
last year became one of the first
universities in the UK to be run completely
on renewable electricity. We
buy our electricity from a company
who only produce electricity from
renewable sources like wind farms
or biomass, meaning that the electricity
we use makes a zero contribution
to carbon dioxide (and other
greenhouse gas) emissions, reducing
our impact on climate change.
Amazingly, this ethical product is
actually cheaper than the usual,
dirty alternative (hence, the university’s
willingness to use it!), the reason
being it exempts the university
from paying carbon tax. This is one
of New Labour’s few examples of
effective green legislation - making
those who pollute pay extra.
Another more controversial example
of Sussex’s environmental
awareness is their implementation
of car-parking fees, due shortly.
Whether you’re a cynic and see this
as an attempt to increase revenue is
irrelevant. This is a scheme that will
make people think twice about
whether they need to drive onto
campus, and hopefully therefore,
reduce car numbers by encouraging
car sharing and public transport use.
As with the carbon tax, the polluter
should pay.
Against this background, it seems
natural that we should seek to reduce
our waste output in other ways and
make our university even greener. For
these reasons, the Students’ Union has
chosen to make recycling one of its
three big issues to campaign for this
year - the Union is asking all students
and the university to refuse refuse. The
UK is the dirty (wo)man of Europe -
the average person in the UK throws
out their own body weight in rubbish
every three months, most of which can
be re-used, which is the case in other
western European countries who have
much higher rates of recycling.
Instead, these potentially recyclable or
reusable materials are dumped in landfill
sites or incinerators, creating
unspeakable environmental problems.
We should object to being part of this
throwaway culture. As students here,
either as campus dwellers or off-campus
residents, we are fortunate that
extensive recycling facilities are readily
accessible. Brighton and Hove council
handed many of the duties of recycling
provision and collection in the early
1990s to a worker’s cooperative,
Magpie. Magpie has worked wonders
in improving recycling rates and services
in the area. The recycling facilities
are located outside the Students’
Union store at York House, where you
can recycle tin and aluminium cans, all
colours of glass, newspaper, and
unwanted clothes. These facilities are
just a short walk from all the residences
on campus. Around campus,
you will also find special aluminium
drinks can bins, especially in the common
rooms, and blue bins for white
paper in the library and next to photocopiers.
For those of us who live offcampus,
recycling facilities are also
conveniently placed (outside supermarkets,
in parks) and if not (or you
are just plain lazy), Magpie run the
‘green-box’ scheme. Pay them a small
quarterly fee, they give you a green
box, you fill it with your recyclable
goodies and they’ll collect it from your
doorstep every week (in an environmentally-
friendly electric truck!)
Unfortunately, for you wasters on campus,
this service isn’t available, but look
out for green boxes appearing in your
kitchens very soon - alas, to be emptied
by your good selves! Another
excellent idea (for students with gardens)
is to make a compost bin, which
can serve as a dumping unit for all your
fruit and vegetable peelings, and even
tea bags!
It’s a common myth that recycling
is inefficient - it is said that it can use
more energy than simply making the
product from scratch. Maybe sometimes
this is true, but it is not the consumption
of energy that is the problem
- we would have a limitless supply of
energy from renewable sources if only
the rich nations of the world were prepared
to decouple themselves from
their fossil-fuel based economies in
favour of developing and deploying
green technologies. What we don’t
have a limitless supply of are metals
like aluminium, or oil-based plastics.
Although plastic production accounts
for only a small portion of oil use, every
year as much oil is used as it takes
nature one million years to create. Nor
can we afford to be flippant about
paper. The daily demand for paper is
putting immense pressure on the
world’s forests, endangering plants
and animals, and threatening the way
of life for indigenous forest people.
But what is obvious when we think
of these unfortunate realties is that
recycling needs to be more than going
to the local bottle-bank. What we
need are preventative actions that target
the source of the problem as well
as curative actions that deal with the
result (like recycling). So what I mean
when I use the term recycling also has
to include the wider picture and the
other two Rs: Reduce and Re-use. The
problem of how to dispose of our overinflated
waste output and curb the
exhaustion of natural resources must
be tackled by reducing our excessive
and obsessive consumption. Start by
reducing the amount of packaging you
buy. Food products especially are criminally
over-packaged (often with plastics).
Attempt to avoid these by
remembering that fruit and vegetables
come in their own packaging (!), as
you will see if you take a trip to the
Open Market, next to the Level. This is
the antithesis of supermarket culture -
locally grown produce with rarely a
package in sight. When shopping, take
your rucksack with you to avoid using
plastic bags, which incidentally, never
fully biodegrade and when poorly disposed
of, suffocate and kill marine
wildlife. Thankfully, if you have to use
plastic bags, ethical ones now exist.
Along with the normal range of "bags
for life" that most supermarkets offer,
you can now obtain free, 100% fully
biodegradable bags at the Co-op
supermarket and Somerfield. Plastic
bags are obviously re-usable - the
Students’ Union store welcomes clean,
hole-free bags, which it can then give
to its customers. Plastic bottles are
refillable, even Volvic bottles, despite
bizarrely advising you on the side of
their bottles ‘Not refillable - bottle only
suitable for Volvic water!’ Re-use old
paper as scrap when possible, and old
envelopes - just cover up the old
address with a little paper and write
the new one over the top.
Particular to campus is the issue
that catering establishments have
begun to use plastic plates and polystyrene
cups to serve food and drink.
Once again, this is harnessing the ‘use
once and throw away’ mentality. Try to
lobby your common room to use proper
plates and mugs. Finally, you can
make ethical decisions when you shop.
The Students’ Union sell paper made
from sustainable forests, and many
companies now offer products that
come with recycled packaging, which
in turn you can recycle yourself. This is
the mentality we need to nurture - a
mentality of resourcefulness and compassion
for the environment.
For your input on environmental
or ethical issues email: